took the stereoscope and ran with it. A man named Oliver Wendell Holmes further
improved the design by making it more economical and therefore feasible for
mass production. Holmes didn’t file for a patent for his design so companies
began producing them on a mind-boggling scale. Between 1854 and 1920, there
were an estimated 300 million stereoscopes sold. Companies, like one called
Underwood and Underwood, started selling tours of factories, monuments, and
other travel spots and marketed them as “edutainment” – something for the whole
family. Schools also started to use stereoscopes which was the beginnings of
forming a global student. With the stereoscope, one could appear well-traveled
without having to leave their home state.
really interesting thing about the stereoscope is how the technology is
relatively timeless. There are instances of the same binocular depth-perception
displayed with devices we use today. Remember those red and blue 3D glasses you
got at the movies back in the day? All those did was force your eyes to focus
on two slightly shifted images. To the right, you can see what the picture
looks like without the 3D glasses. But, when you look through the color
filters, it blocks the blue or the red for each eye, making it appear
3-dimensional. You can also find devices that are made by Hasbro and Google
that use iPhone apps as stereo cards and create the same effect!
story of the stereoscope shows another benefit to studying history through its
objects. Even if it isn’t totally apparent, some technologies and designs don’t
go away. At the heart of it, the stereoscope’s technology is being used in
movie theaters today. Electricity is still generated through steam power plants
like they were in the late 1800’s. The same can be said for fashion. A few
weeks ago, I mentioned the Greek key pattern which is hundreds, if not
thousands of years old and still can be found on textiles today.
The Farm House Museum is a treasure trove of objects like
these. Not only will you step back in time when you walk through the door,
you’ll notice similarities between two very different time periods if you look
closely enough.
Stop by anytime, Monday through Friday, 12 to 4 p.m.